Optimize Android: Uninstall Unused Android Apps With Useless Apps Remover

and why not Android is not just a Phone its an Empty Smart Device which can store and run a lot of apps & Games which Entertain us every time , Apps have become a part of our daily life , whether you check weather forecast, book movie shows,railway tickets and bla bla , we can do lots of works faster using these apps, Differenet apps comes for Different purpose.
As We all Love trying new apps and somettimes can't figure out which ones to keep and always Get tired of seeing a long running list of applications in device , half of which we don't even use.Even the stock Android app manager is restricted to listing installed apps just by title or size.
So Here I came with an application that will help you clean up all the useless crap on your phone .
I am intoducing Synergy UAR a small android app, and a easy to use tool that tells you what apps you don't use regularly . It helps in keeping track of the time period when an app hasn't been launched and notifies the user about it. Even If you don't use certain apps very often but don't want to be notified about them, all you have to do is simply unmark them in Synergy UAR. Synergy UAR can be easily set up according to your needs and therefore is a handy tool for everyday use.
Useless App Remover(UAR) utilizes a built-in activity monitor and a user-specified list of apps that you want monitored for usage. Then, based on your usage of selected apps, the app determines whether and when they should be deemed as ‘unused’, and hence helps you with their removal.
As is expected from an app of this kind, Useless Apps Remover(UAR) has a minimalist and easy-to-understand interface. It sports a solitary screen that lists all the third-party apps installed on your device. Alongside each app title, you get a Delete button, as well as the toggle to exclude that particular app from the blacklist/activity monitor.
To help the application’s
activity monitor with learning about your personal preferences, head
over to the settings screen (Menu
> Settings). From here, you may set the duration (in days)
after which an app should be marked as ‘useless’. Moreover, you can
specify the time interval (in minutes) at which the app should monitor
your usage of the blacklisted apps. Needless to say, usage of only those
apps added to the blacklist will come under scrutiny. Once you’ve
specified your blacklist of apps, activated the app’s notifications, and
configured the activity monitor itself, you can breathe easy, since the
app will itself notify you of the apps that haven’t been in business
during the period specified by you.
So you are ready to go now! A neat and simple way to see as to when you last used an app, and
more importantly, clean the mess on your Android device due to long-forgotten-apps that are hogging your precious system resources for
no good.
I want to tell you that this app Useless App
Remover is available in the Google Play Store as an ad-supported free
app, and, as of this writing, there is no way to remove the ads. so, Get
this app form Play Store now!
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